Clarence Greenergy

Why choose Clarence Greenergy


Clarence Greenergy’s leading product is Power Purchase Agreements which uniquely delivers renewable energy to businesses by installing a commercial solar system on the premises’ roof or other space at zero cost to the customer. Clarence Greenergy supply and install the solar system which Clarence Greenergy then own, maintain and insure.

Clarence Greenergy sells the electricity which is generated from the solar system back to the customer at significantly cheaper rates. When compared to the electricity rates and fees charged by electricity retailers, the rate per kilowatt is guaranteed to be less than what the customer is currently purchasing from the grid, hence savings guaranteed.

Benefits of the Power Purchase Agreement product include:

  • Financial savings for the customer from day 1;
  • Zero capital outlay by the customer;
  • Solar system supplied, installed, maintained and insured at no cost to the customer;
  • The customer can proudly state that they are using solar energy.

Clarence Greenergy Projects